Tuesday, 31 March 2015

More Autumn basics and GIVEAWAY winner announced

The mornings have become quite Autumn crisp, the skies are blue and it's just perfect weather for cycling.

Oh, and perfect weather for leggings. The last lot were getting a bit tight so I whipped up more Oliver + S Playtime leggings for A. This time in size 3 with size 4 length. Perfect!

They've all been worn and washed quite a few times each over the last couple of weeks. Curiously, the pale mint ones on the far right have shrunk further and are now only just long enough compared to all the others.

To go over the top, and since she loved the last one so much, I made another one of these tiered skirts from this Japanese pattern book. Nothing better than easy do-it-yourself dressing on cool Autumn mornings.

Now, courtesy of my losing track of my pattern stocktake, here's the winner of the Garden Party dress pattern!

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Congratulations Brittney. I'll email you for your postal address and then post it off.

Speaking of posting things, this dress is about to go off to northern England to live, and this one recently departed for Tasmania. I have a limited number of local recipients for outgrown girl's clothes. Heavily worn or the occasional store bought garments go to goodwill, but there are some special Oliver + S clothes for which it seems only right to offer up to other Oliver +S enthusiasts. It's fun imagining them being enjoyed all over again. What do you do with your outgrown sewn clothes?


  1. Great assortment! I love that pattern.

    1. Thanks Masha, me too. I need to make the dress again as the last one is looking small.

  2. Those look so cute on your little gal. I have a couple TNT patterns for my little guy. So far I'm holding onto out grown clothes until we decide on if there will be more little ones to come. Thankfully we have friends nearby with younger boys ready for anything we have to share.

    1. I never thought I'd make these kinds of simple things, but I can make them cheaper than the poor, dodgy slave labourers and chose my own colours, so I'm sold on the idea! Definitely keep your good handmades in case of another baby, not that you wouldn't want to make everything new all over again anyway!

  3. Cute leggings, and they look like they fit perfectly. I've just some out for R - I don't enjoy making them but they are so very useful. I always use an existing pair to draft the next ones - it's a bit hit-and-miss as far as fit is concerned, though... I suppose I really should use a pattern.

    1. Thanks Marisa. I have another pattern in a Japanese sewing book, but I couldn't be bothered tracing it in case it didn't fit., I was pretty sure that one size down with added length would be good for these. It seems silly to need a pattern, but the first ever pair of pants for a kid I tried to make up myself (waterproof nylon overpants) had no depth to the back crotch at all.! Wouldn't have fit a doll, let alone a nappy clad toddler. I'm sticking to the patterns!

  4. Fantastic leggings and I need some for those cool morning dog walks. Tiered skirts are fun and make those leggings worth while.

    1. True, the mornings are getting quite cool. Back when I woke up insanely early to ride before work I knew exactly what to wear depending on the thermometer. Certain trigger temperatures necessitated arm warmers, knee warmers, full legs, windproof gloves etc. Nowadays I head out the door on the school run and have no clue how cold it is until i'm shivering down the back streets!

  5. I love that first photo/photo shoot so much! Her poses!! Her cute little self! It's killing me!

    Anyhoo. I absolutely reserve hand-me-down handmades to either family (and they return them to me when done) or other sewing mamas (and they promise me to give them on to other sewing mamas). I want them worn to shreds before they get tossed!

  6. It all looks great! A must be thrilled to have all those fun new clothes. And I'm also super impressed because you're such a pro at changing out your threads to match nicely. With all those different colors of leggings you are a super woman!

  7. Awesome photo, I love the leggings.

    I have a series of tubs in each size and we hand stuff down. I love hand me downs. I am looking forward to dressing Trixie in Missy A's dress


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