Saturday, 16 November 2013

Straight Stitch Society: Pattern Reviews and Giveaway!

Sometimes it's fun to sew things just for the sake of sewing them. When life gets hard and sewing feels easy it's time for the Straight Stitch Society.
These patterns are cute little patterns that you'd make just because you can, because you have fabric scraps, because you don't care to watch that American Horror Story lesbian witch TV thing that your husband's watching in the background...
And, if you're lucky, 'cause you know someone who'll like what you make.
These nonplussed looking critters are the Feed The Animals Coin Purses. With their mouths open, they take on a completely different personality! The kids have had a ball playing with them and doing funny voices while gobbling up anything in sight. I kept them zippered and quiet during the photoshoot!
It's a great pattern for using up small scraps of fabric and stray buttons. As with any Oliver + S patterns the instructions are superb. There are clever tips, well worded instructions, plenty of diagrams and inside the pattern wallet is a couple of points from the manifesto.
I knew I'd found my sewing love match when I opened the instructions and read:
6: Sometimes a glass of wine really does improve your sewing. Or at least your attitude. Same difference.
I didn't get a photo of it, but it makes me smile to know that, inside that cat's mouth, is a little octopus from my leftover Sarah Jane Out to Sea fabric. Lucky kitty!
A bit more grown-up is the Have It All Wallet.
I have plans to make my mother in law one of these for Christmas (it's all right she doesn't read the blog, even though I've offered to sign her up! ;)) along with a tote bag from a Japanese pattern book. I thought I'd have a practice run first with some fabric from my stash.
The zippered pouch was a revelation and as it came together I was very impressed with the pattern and the instructions. I'm less pleased with the interfacing that I had to hand as it's one of those non woven ones that looks a bit like felt and is prone to creasing.
My edgestitching is neat, the fabrics are pretty together, the wallet will hold everything one would need a wallet to hold....
Are you getting the impression there's a 'but' coming?
I think I'm just not a fabric wallet kind of person. I have a lovely leather wallet for everyday use. I have a plastic zip lock pouch for my essentials when I'm on the bike. I'm just not the kind of person who'd use a co-ordinating fabric wallet, as much as I like it. And I do.
In summary: I love the pattern, I'm grateful for the practice run, I'm really proud of the end product and now I just need to be lucky enough to find someone who'll appreciate it.
Anyone want to help me out? I'll happily post this little wallet anywhere in the world if I can feel like it will find a happy reception and be put to use.
Perhaps an early Christmas present for yourself? Maybe for a sewing blogger friend that you promised you'd make something for but really don't have the time? Shhh. We won't tell, there aren't that many Bartacks and Singletrack readers that you couldn't get away with it!

This time I've given you a competition entry method that allows you to leave me a lovely blog comment but not inadvertently win a wallet you don't want either. But if you're loving the wallet and want it for yourself, use that widget and enter. Good luck
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  1. I'm kicking myself right now. I was going to buy these Straight Stitch patterns yesterday taking advantage of the 20% promo but didn't. Kick, kick, kick.
    Love your coin purses and would enter the wallet give-away but for some reason my cookies are disabled and the widget thingy doesn't work. I truly do need a new wallet that isn't black leather as it blends with inside of my handbag (a.k.a. the abyss) and can never find it without lengthy rummaging. The wallet you've made is perfection and the colours match my 'going-to-town-so-put-in-the-false-teeth-and-look-presentable' wardrobe.

    1. Sorry the competition thing didn't work for you. I chose this one instead of rafflecopter as I can never enter the rafflecopter ones.
      Your comment cracks me up. I think there'd be room for a spare set of teeth in the zippered pouch!
      My mum just tried to leave me a nice comment but inaderventently entered the competition instead. As I'd guessed she doesn't want one for Christmas, so I'll consider her entry as yours.

  2. you'll definitely have some happy recipients. i love the bow on the wallet. what a cute detail!

  3. I love the wallet ... and I'm on the back foot with my gift sewing.

  4. I love love love this wallet!! You did a beautiful job on it :)

  5. I love these purses and they always bring a smile to the face. They're definitely for kids of all ages. The wallet looks good but I agree, I'm just not a fabric wallet kind of person either, although I have found something similar to be really useful when travelling overseas. I've found it really handy to have somewhere other than my usual purse where I can store passports, passport photos (never know when you'll need those), flight tickets, insurance documents, metro cards for rail systems etc. just a thought......

  6. I think the wallet is lovely, but I totally understand where you're coming from. I've often thought that I should make a pretty fabric wallet, but I wouldn't really use it.

    Those coin purses are fantastic. I know several people that would get a kick out of those. What a great way to use up scraps :) I might see a pattern purchase in my future.

  7. Ohh I love the wallet. I'm always leery of tiny zippers, so these are a brave sew in my eyes!


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