Some time last year I bought myself a copy of
Little Things To Sew the book of sewing projects by Liesl Gibson of Oliver + S
I wanted to make the Messenger Bag and the Bucket Hat and that, I thought, was it....
(and the Bucket Hat is available as free download anyway, so I really hemmed and hawed about this purchase)
Here's my copy. I didn't get the one signed by Liesl, but when I left this out one day it did get autographed by my daughter!
And now, I can't imagine not having this book. It's provided some great gifts, some fun projects and some nice distractions from sewing clothes.
I'm about to start another project as a gift for P's kindergarten so I started reminiscing about what I've made and wondering what I'll try next.
Let's look through it cover to cover, and I'll show you what I've made thus far and list the projects I'm yet to conquer (in red):
Project 1: Mittens (x2)
I made two pairs of mittens which the kids still sometimes wear to chase each other around the house "snapping" (or "napping" if you're too little to say "sn") at each other.
Project 2: Tutu (maybe this Christmas?)
Project 3: No Tie Scarf (x2)
Last minute spotty outfits for a Dotty teddy Bears Picnic at the gallery. Only P is wearing the scarf as I hadn't planned on making one for A as she had a
Lazy Days Skirt, but she threw a wobbly and so I quickly made a second one. It was much easier second time around and this is the only pattern thus far that I really struggled with the instructions and looking at the forums it seems I'm not the only one...
Project 4: Messenger Bag (x2)

Here's the project I bought the book for. The canvas I used for this came free from a local canvas shop after I stopped in and asked them for some Kevlar-type-fabric scarps to reinforce the knees of my son's jeans! They gave me a reasonable amount of some seriously heavy duty fabric. Unbelievably difficult to sew but this is one tough little satchel!
(I love it but within days of completing it I was trumped by my MIL buying him a Wiggles bag from a concert)

This version was the Large size made in some LEGO fabric from Spoonflower as a gift for my brother in law (hence the Uncle Nick's Bag tag) for Christmas. I redrafted the pocket flaps to make them a bit wider and deeper as the original ones seemed a bit scanty on the bigger front pockets.
Project 5: Reversible Bucket Hat (x4)
This should be what I'm about to sew next as the kids have outgrown their hats from last year. Last spring I sewed a hat a day for a week to get the kids ready for the start of the official hat wearing season. Three of those were the Reversible Bucket Hat:
The fourth one was a gift for my nephew made from some more Spoonflower LEGO fabric. This time leftovers from some shirts I made for the LEGO convention.
Project 6: Bias Trimmed Apron (not yet, but I really want to)
Project 7: Bento Box Carrier
Another gift, with recognisably leftover fabrics.
Project 8: Play Town (lots of hand sewing but I'm kinda keen)
Project 9: Penguin Backpack
Yep, more leftover LEGO fabric. Just enough of the grey canvas for this darling little penguin. This bag is adored and is used as A's daycare bag. I did toy with the idea of cutting his beak, flippers and feet along the LEGO lines to make him look as if he was made of bricks but it all seemed a bit too hard...
Project 10: Art Smock (I agonise over fabric choice cause it needs to be ordinary enough to get paint on it, but nice enough to be bothered making it...)
Project 11: Cozy Winter Hood (x2)
Seen earlier with mittens here they are again. Both pairs are made out of wool jumpers that I accidently ruined in the wash. They are really cute winter hats and both kids have, at various times, worn them as hats not just as play hoods.
Project 12: Messy Kid Bib (perfect gift...)
Project 13: Juggling Balls and Drawstring Bag (x2)
Stuck for a way to wrap a gift? (and no, P's Teddy was not gifted, but he couldn't resist climbing in the bag and hanging out for a bit)
Just the right size to hold a pair of pyjamas as an overnight bag
Project 14: Tea Party Doll Dress (I know she'd love it if I did...)
Project 15: Travel Quilt (straight lines, my kind of quilting, I could do this one)
Project 16: Red Riding Hood
I'm making this one pink, as I haven't technically made the cape with hood, but I did use this pattern to make the cape for my
Evel Knievel Cape
Project 17: Explorer Vest
A gift for my favourite little nephew again!
Project 18: Bear Carrier (x4)
One for P and teddy, one as a gift for my nephew (Note to my brother: have you worked out where I get all my gift ideas yet?!) one for A's bestest friend, and one for a Lucky Dip present for my mother's group annual birthday get together.
Project 19: Bear Puppet Bath Mitt (I'm thinking some puppets maybe...)
Project 20: Puppet Theater
I made this last year for the kids for Christmas and got completely carried away with all the extra applique. I'm about to start on one as a gift for P's kindergarten and it was going to be simpler but I've had a few ideas I just can't resist throwing on there.
By my reckoning I've got nine and a half (juggling balls) projects to go, that puts me at 52.5% complete. While that would count as a pass mark (at least it did in animal husbandry back at Uni) I'm going to knock this book over and make everything. (I applied that attitude to a hiking guide book once and ended up walking 500km solo through Turkey)
I may continue to be distracted and make the same things over again, or mess with the patterns to make other things, so there's no time limit, but it will happen....
...... and I made a button to keep myself on track. Anyone else want to go all the way with me?